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The strongest repellent money can’t buy, was already purchased with Jesus’s blood

In James 4:7 - 8 it says,"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God, and he will come near to you. " (NIV)
     As I walked, with my daughter after work tonight, I noticed she was swatting at gnats and other bugs while I was enjoying the view of the birds, flowers, squirrels, and trees that were blooming. How often in life do we let the little things that are annoying keep us from enjoying all the beauty around us? 
Image result for gnats images
     I liken Satan to walking into a swarm of gnats. He always tries to distract us when we are doing something enjoyable in life. Let's say for example we start a new Bible study, begin serving in the community or at church, or start sharing with others how awesome God is. He will come flying toward us from all directions, and no matter how many times we try to shoo him away he keeps annoying us with discouraging thoughts, temptations, and reminders of our pasts.
     I remember the first year my husband immigrated here we went for a walk and it had rained a few days earlier. We were near tall grass, and the gnats kept swarming over his head. He was a fast runner at the time, and while he ran they would be gone but as soon as he would stop they would be swarming over his head again. At one point, he thought he lost them and was so relieved, and I didn't have the heart to tell them they followed him and were surrounding his head again. 
     The devil is relentless. He wants you almost as much as God does. He hates Christians because we will receive a reward he will never inherit. Satan wants to drag us into the lake of fire with him. We need to be mindful and repel him when he tries to infect us with his twisted thoughts and made up lies. Jesus is the strongest repellent and paid the ultimate price for us so we could obtain it. He gave His life so we could inherit eternal life and guidance on this Earth. The more we fill our hearts and minds with the Risen Savior the less room Satan has to discourage us from doing God's will. It says in Hebrew 2:18, "For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." (NIV)
     Focus on all the beauty around you and forget about the negative things the devil whispers in your ears. Fill your mind with God's words and the blessings He gives you daily. Even on the days we feel surrounded by pestering thoughts, we can choose to brush them out of view and focus on the things around us that God created to shower our eyes with gladness. 
     When our view becomes obstructed, we can ask the Risen Savior to help us see our situation more clearly and be our candle in the darkness. John 8:12 says, "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (NIV) The devil scatters when he sees the light and his plans are destroyed, just like a Citronella candle you light to repel flying insects at dusk. When your light is dim call on other Christians to shine theirs on the situation and lift you up. When we are together the noise of the pesky devil is drown out, and we can see things from a whole new perspective. We get the choice of what we focus on daily. Will you choose the unwanted pest or the blessings God gives you daily? 

I choose God,

Ami Deborah Kunakey


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